Friday, January 28, 2011

Where did that chicken get its hair did?

With a little less than a week here in Accra, I've had the chance to do and see some pretty cool things.

Firstly, I saw a man wearing a Toronto Raptors Vince Carter jersey on our daily shared minibus (tro tro).

I am sure there will be many more posts dedicated to these tro tros  as they make up the bulk of my non working hours and are truly  a sight to be seen.

Ghana, like many places in Africa, is known for the creative naming of products and places.

So far, I have drank "Christmas is everyday" water and passed "Feeling Wiggy Hair Salon." These are, of course, in addition to the numerous religiously named shops and businesses.

I also have had the chance to see some of the cutest kids - including 2 boys with their mom, wearing pink school uniforms and holding up their too-big pants as they cross the street next to me. Most of the young children are most likely to be found asleep on their mother's back. Pictures to follow.

Driving down the road I saw an ad for some sort of piece of construction equipment called a "Pedestrian Roller"... Um...??? What could that actually be? Curiosity might get the best of me and I'll have to inquire.

Chickens in Ghana are totally free range, which means they walk next to you on the street.
This proves distracting for me as I like to watch them and admire how cute the chicks are, etc. Plus, it proves distracting for curious Ghanaians who can't help but stare at the crazy chicken-loving Obruni!

What is actually the most hysterical are actually all of the chickens with a weave.

What? Chickens with a weave?


Somehow all of the fake hair from the roadside beauty parlors ends up wrapped around the ankles of the chickens roaming around.

It doesn't help that there is a cosmetology college across the street from our office.

The chickens have better hair than I do at the moment... The humidity doesn't help! :)

This weekend my host sister will have an engagement ceremony, Which is also a traditional wedding. Looking forward to it and I'll make sure to take lots of pictures. A more serious post to follow... just wanted to share some of the Accra-life highlights so far.

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