Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Now that Christmas 2010 is officially behind me, I am full out into preparation mode for Ghana.

This morning I spent about half an hour in line for a Criminal Records Check in Brampton and just last week doctors appointments ensuring I am fit to travel, armed with malaria prevention, and that all of my vaccinations are up to date.

Now, I am on to the list phase. I am sorting all of the things I brought home from my last journey and re-purposing them for this adventure.

Lots of the stuff doesn't quite translate as I imagine I won't need hiking poles (oh how I love them!!!) or a balaclava ... but I'm sure most of the typical travel gear is required.

What exactly does someone put into ONE BAG for 5 months?

Probably not as much as you think.

Things like clothes are going to be more temperature and culturally appropriate if I get them in Ghana - think buying clothes for 34 degrees C in January in Toronto - not all that helpful!

But, from experience, good hair products are important. African women have a whole other level of hair care that I am only beginning to unravel. Yes, I am sure this may be the trip that I actually get a whole head of braids.

Armed with a packing list of about 75 things, I start to narrow it down. What is needed? What is a luxury? What can I just do without for the sake of cultural immersion?

One could say I am making a list and checking it twice.

Of course, with the holiday season my family continues to be extremely generous. I am fortunate beyond belief and I smile when I think of how much they must love me.

And I chuckle to myself when my mom says she is looking at the world map today to find out 'where in this world I am going.' That's love.

With three weeks until departure, I cannot wait to head off on this adventure.

Wish me luck. And that I don't forget anything too important.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Departure Date!

Exciting news from CCI - I leave for Ghana on January 20th 2011!

This puts planning into hyper-drive, but also makes this long anticipated journey a soon-to-be reality.

Leaving on this date sets me up to spend 2 weeks with Kari, the current CCI Volunteer, with Pro-Link as a Resource Mobilization Advisor.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the Pro-Link team has been working on and to join in on the fun!

Hopefully, she'll be able to share some more insight as to what to expect (and pack, let's be honest).

At the moment, I am looking forward to a productive and jolly holiday season with family and friends.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Heather is going to Ghana!

 I have the most exciting news.

I’ve been offered a position with Canadian Crossroads International and Pro-Link to act as Resource Mobilization Advisor for a women’s HIV/AIDS organization in Ghana.

Canadian Crossroads International (CCI) is an international development organization that is reducing poverty and increasing women’s rights around the world. Working with local partners
in 28 projects, in eight countries and supported by hundreds of volunteers each year, CCI leverages expertise and resources, North and South, required to help people overcome poverty and assert their human rights.

The Pro-Link and CCI partnership work focuses on addressing systemic barriers that prevent women and girls from accessing prevention, care, treatment and support services for HIV and AIDS, given that it is well-recognized that gender inequalities are fuelling the HIV and AIDS pandemic. Pro-Link’s initiatives focus on mitigating HIV and AIDS among girls and young women through a gender-specific, participatory and rights-based approach. My work will support Pro-Link’s work in supporting women living with HIV and AIDS via income generating opportunities to assert their rights, enhance their livelihood opportunities and ensure better care of their health. I will also support Pro-Link more generally in fundraising and documenting learning for gender-specific HIV and AIDS work.